Sunday, October 3, 2010

Earphones in, Reality out.


This blog is based upon music, which is visible in the link. In this video, a man takes on the two voices of the original Disney song, A Whole New World. It's something funny in the beginning, but he does give off the real tone of a woman, who supposedly plays "Princess Jasmine" of Aladdin. The way he converts from a man's voice to a woman's in less than a minute is something very rare. Knowing some singers, it is very rare to find a person who has the ability to do that.

“Love of beauty is Taste. The creation of beauty is Art.” - Ralph Emerson

  One of my favorite types of art is drawing. Drawing was started in the early history of Homo sapiens. It is said that they had began doing pictures of animals, people and/or even full scenes. Throughout time, the evolution began to increase. In this image, is a young asian girl. It looks simple, both to draw and just the way the character looks in the image. It takes a lot of technique to draw something this beautiful, especially with the features. The features would be the detailing within her hair, her lips, her eyes, everything. It takes awhile just to get the shading correct and just right. 
Within this drawing, it produces different emotions. Just stare at the girls eyes for a good fourty-five seconds. The feeling is calm, but worried. It is like she wants to smile, but there is something holding her back upon the feeling of happiness. Her hair is scattered around, like there is something that is wearing her out. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sunset - set

In this picture, there are boats sitting calmly in the water. The sunset is reflecting upon the water, but the water ripples are clearly present within the reflection. The boats aren't very visible because of the setting. The setting would be late afternoon, going into the night. It's starting to get darker and dim. The black shadows in the background are mountains, but are already dim because of the timing. 
The orange and red sky has a bit of white-ish lavender streak into the sky just to illustrate the idea that the day time has not fully left. The sun is just started to set behind the black, red, orange and blue streaks of shadows and illuminations. The mood of the painting would be mellow and calm. There is no presence of waves rushing, just the boat set upon the waters.


Monday, September 13, 2010

“My, what beautiful blossoms we have this year. But look, this one's late. But I'll bet that when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all.” -Fa Zhou; Mulan (1998)

This image is a mural of a Cherry Blossom branch. The Cherry Blossom Tree is from China, but originally from Japan. The symbolism of the Chinese Cherry Blossom resembles power while the Japanese Cherry Blossom represents the ideas of Buddhism along with suffering and tranquil.  
This mural is on a rough paper. The texture is very visible from this point of view. The branch and flowers are made by water pastel. The water pastel brings out the details within the real Cherry Blossom. The dark pink border lines with the lighter inner petals with the lining. The branch has dark border line of black while it mixes in with the dark brown. As the branch starts to separate, the coloring begins to fade out. 

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”-Audrey Hepburn

This photograph is probably more than ten years old, but copied and spread around the world as the years went by.  The art hidden beneath this photograph is considered pure beauty. Alike to Monroe, Hepburn was considered as classic' or 'charming.' Her flawless-fair skin along with her big, lovely eyes are probably one of her best features. Hepburn's eye make-up brings out her eyes, which is the first thing that most people find the most noticeable. Her jewelry compliments her hair, so it looks like she is just about ready to go out into the night for an elegant dinner or some fancy event. Her facial expression gives out questioning, where as she doesn't know exactly what is going on or she is plain shocked. 

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world." -Marilyn Monroe

This image is more than likely familiar to you guys, the infamous Marilyn Monroe along with one of her 'classic' poses. Marilyn Monroe started her career as a model for bathing suits, which soon evolved into an acting career. This specific pose comes from a broadway, The Seven Year Itch, which Marilyn Monroe had starred in herself along with Tom Ewell. 
This photograph is an example of art. Marilyn gives off the effect of energy but, also give off the idea of poise within her stance. Her facial expression expresses the feeling of shocked, but her eyes kind of throw off the idea. Monroe's hand adds onto the effect of her 'surprised' facial expression due to the vent unexpectedly pulling her dress above her legs. The black and white color exchange and her clothing demonstrates the time or goal of setting to the picture. 

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Thursday, August 26, 2010


This photo was taken during my Summer Vacation of 2010 in the Philippines, shot by myself. Photography is considered a type of art. There are a lot of ways to express art through photography. For example, this expresses art because of its detail and the different messages throughout this one picture. This photo illustrates the palm tree's, the gate to the beach, the swimming pool along with the boats and clear blue sky in the background. It gives off a relaxing feeling, but also gives out a energy where as all you want to do is jump into the picture and have fun in it. The angle of the photo wasn't straight because then there wouldn't be much to take a picture of. There would just be the palm trees and maybe a boat in the background, not including the pool or the sky.